Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship

Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship
9/21/2023, 7:00 AM 8:00 AM

Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school, undergraduate, graduate, or trade school student
Single mother, widow, immigrant, woman of color, first-generation college student, and/or survivor of abuse
Women from certain demographic groups tend to face more obstacles to higher education than others.

Women raising children, those who have lost a spouse, and women who have survived abuse, faced discrimination, immigrated, or taken on the responsibility of being the first in their family to pursue college have to overcome significant barriers that their peers don’t face.

This scholarship seeks to honor the legacy of Barbara J. DeVaney by supporting women from demographics who often fall through the cracks.

Any female-identifying high school, undergraduate, graduate, or trade school student who’s a single mother, widow, immigrant, woman of color, first-generation college student, or survivor of abuse may apply for this scholarship. Students pursuing careers in the medical field, trades or STEM are strongly preferred.…

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